I seek to empower people by giving them something to ponder.
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About Marcial’s Law

The mission of Marcial’s Law is three-fold.  First, it is to promote American interests within the principles of liberty, limited government, and a free market system.  That includes advocating for policies and public servants who align with the original intent of America’s founders and the U.S. Constitution.  Second, Martial’s Law promotes good governance in the Philippines, which also includes advocating for effective policies and public servants and the establishment and implementation of federalism.  Third, Martial’s Law advocates for American-Philippine cooperation in freedom of navigation operations in the West Philippine Sea.

Marcial’s Law was founded in 2008 as a counter commentary platform opposed to President Barrack Obama’s administration of progressive government, which has been ongoing since President Woodrow Wilson’s administration in 1912.  It is a government which has surpassed its constitutional restraints of size and scope as concocted by America’s founders, including an administrative state of unaccountable, unelected officials.  Since the original government was framed to protect the unalienable rights of Americans (as the Declaration of Independence mentions), but has become a progressive government of entitlements, Marcial’s Law advocates for the restoration of the former.

While the Philippines’ oldest ally in the West, the USA, has developed into a full-blown superpower within the short span of 150 years after its independence from England, the Philippines remains a Third World country, pervaded by corruption after its independence from the USA.  Ironically, the Philippine Constitution was largely modeled after the U.S. Constitution.  However, a few key features are omitted from the former, which could account for the nation’s corrupt government and stagnant development, such as an electoral college to elect the president and a horizontal system of governance known as federalism.  That is why Marcial’s Law advocates a form of federalism with those elements as outlined in A Federal Philippines.

On the maritime front, China claims ownership of more than 90% of the South China Sea.  This includes the area abundant in fish and natural resources, which the Permanent Court of Arbitration in the Hague awarded to the Philippines in 2016, under the administration of President Benigno Aquino III.  Although China was a signatory to the creation of the tribunal, the imperialistic juggernaut does not recognize the arbitral ruling and has employed gray zone tactics of intimidation to deter Filipinos from fishing, extracting natural resources, and even maintaining a military ship in the West Philippine Sea.  This is why Marcial’s Law advocates for an ironclad alliance between the U.S. and Philippines in order to deter China as outlined in How the Philippines Can Enforce Its Arbitral Award without Going to War with China.

In this forum, Marcial Bonifacio is the one and only writer whose ideas are freely expressed without fear or favor of any particular party, unbound by popularity, and independent of groupthink.  It is a forum in which all conventional rules are broken, and only one mind, one voice, one perspective reigns, hence, Marcial’s Law.  However, Marcial has studied American and Philippine history, political science, and various cultural, legal, and constitutional issues, and his numerous discussions and debates with others of varying and opposing viewpoints have forged Marcial’s own intellectual framework and perspective throughout the years.  As such, this forum invites and encourages anyone to opine, discuss, or debate without any restrictions in order to disseminate information that will assist patriots when they vote or are politically active in any way.  Finally, please subscribe to Marcial’s Law in order to stay abreast of the most important issues concerning Americans and Filipinos.
