I seek to empower people by giving them something to ponder.
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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

At Marcial’s Law, we value informed discussions and open dialogue on important political and cultural issues. The FAQ section is designed to provide clear, concise answers to some of the most common questions about our mission, views, and advocacy efforts. Whether you're new to the platform or a long-time follower, the FAQ helps clarify the core principles of Marcial's Law and how we seek to influence governance in both the U.S. and the Philippines. It also invites you to participate in ongoing debates and discussions that aim to promote liberty and effective leadership.

What is the mission of Marcial's Law?

The mission of Marcial's Law is three-fold:

  1. Promote American interests based on liberty, limited government, and a free market system, aligned with the U.S. Constitution.
  2. Advocate for good governance and federalism in the Philippines.
  3. Support U.S.-Philippine cooperation in freedom of navigation operations in the West Philippine Sea.

When was Marcial’s Law founded?

Marcial’s Law was founded in 2008 as a counter-commentary platform opposing President Barack Obama’s progressive government administration.

What does Marcial's Law advocate for in the U.S.?

Marcial's Law advocates for a return to the original principles set by America's founders, limiting government size and scope, and promoting policies that uphold constitutional liberties and a free market.

What are Marcial’s Law’s views on governance in the Philippines?

Marcial's Law promotes federalism in the Philippines and effective policies to combat corruption and enhance the nation's governance, modeled after the U.S. Constitution with key elements like an electoral college system.

What stance does Marcial's Law take on the West Philippine Sea dispute?

Marcial's Law advocates for a strong U.S.-Philippine alliance to enforce the 2016 arbitral ruling, deterring China's territorial claims and gray zone tactics in the West Philippine Sea.

Who writes for Marcial's Law?

Marcial Bonifacio is the sole writer, expressing ideas freely, without fear or favor. He encourages debate and discussion to spread awareness on key issues.

How can I participate in discussions on Marcial's Law?

Marcial's Law encourages open dialogue, debate, and discussion on various political and cultural topics. Readers are welcome to express their views freely in the forum.

How can I stay updated on Marcial's Law's content?

You can subscribe to Marcial's Law to receive updates on the latest articles and important issues concerning both Americans and Filipinos.
