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For Rational Voters Who Want to Give America a Huge Jump, Here Are 32 Reasons to Support Donald Trump

Written by: Marcial Bonifacio
September 28, 2024

My American friends and countrymen, although I correctly predicted the resignation of President Joe Biden from the 2024 presidential rematch with former President Donald Trump upon his disastrous debate performance on June 27, I did not predict his political ouster or coup.  Indeed, Vice President Kamala Harris did not win a single vote or delegate because she never entered any primary in any state.  Instead, Biden’s delegates (as represented by 14 million primary voters) were magically transferred to Harris (hence, unearned, especially considering she has scarcely participated in interviews).  Also, noteworthy is that Harris did not acquire a single delegate in her one and only presidential primary run against Biden in 2020.  Nonetheless, Harris has formally accepted the nomination (or coronation, depending on your perspective) at the Democrat National Convention in August.

Be that as it may, GovTrack.US has rated her as the most extreme politician, even left of the self-avowed socialist Senator Bernie Sanders, due to her extreme voting record as a U.S. senator and tie-breaker as VP.  Hence, she supported all of Biden’s leftist policies, in spite of some of them appearing as moderate.  For this reason, I often contrast the policy results of Trump and Biden, the primary difference being that Harris would have moved farther to the left tan Biden with regard to federal spending, regulations, tax increases, etc.  Therefore, the results would be equally disastrous, if not more so, since she herself claims to be “radical” and advocates for the country to become radical.

Now that Biden has served in the same role as Trump in the same capacity, with the same vested powers of the president, and with the same limited term of 4 years, the stark contrast herein, will be presented plainly.  Some of the points underscore what Trump has initiated or accomplished in order to mitigate the devastating results of President Barack Obama’s policies.  Some of those Trump policies were simply continued by Biden, and their impact have been made tangible under Biden, hence opening him up for mistaken attribution.  Although it may be a moot point to say whether or not job creation and the unemployment rate were better under Trump or Biden, the following points are indisputable:

  1. Under Trump, the unemployment rate reached its lowest level (3.7%) since 1969.  Ethnic minorities achieved their lowest rate ever recorded--- blacks at 5.5%, Hispanics at 3.9%, and Asians at 2.2%.  Women’s unemployment reached the lowest rate since 1953 at 3.1%.  Youth unemployment hit the lowest rate in nearly half a century.  Finally, the lowest unemployment rate ever recorded for Americans without a high school diploma occurred under Trump.
  1. When Trump left office in 2021, inflation was at 1.4%.  After 18 months of Biden’s administration, it peaked to 9.1%.  Even the left-leaning news network Al Jazeera reports that between January 2021 and May 2024, the average price of a gallon of gasoline rose from $2.33 to $3.76, a loaf of bread from $1.55 to $1.97, and a dozen eggs from $1.47 to $2.70.  Hence, real wages drastically declined under Biden.
  2. On federal deficits, Trump averaged $750 billion (if the two COVID years of 2020 and 2021 are omitted).  Biden averaged $1.5 trillion (even adjusting for inflation).
  3. Under Trump, there was a 19% decline in food stamp recipients (from 44.2 million in 2016 to 35.7 million in 2019 prior to the COVID-19 pandemic), which lowered the cost to taxpayers to $60 billion (the lowest since 2009).  Under Biden, food stamp recipients rose by 3%, and the program’s expansion increased the cost to taxpayers to $120 billion per year (doubling the cost under Trump).
  4. Under Trump, Median household income hit its highest level ever recorded.
  5. Much of the prosperous economy under Trump was attributable to the tax cuts bill he signed into law, which Harris voted against as a senator.  The law cut taxes for more than 90% of the workforce and reduced taxes for businesses, which stimulated growth and job creation.  The tax cuts are set to expire in 2025, and Harris is poised to oppose them upon a legislative vote for extension, thereby raising taxes.
  6. Harris proposes an additional tax increase on corporations from a 21% rate to 28% in order to “soak the rich.”  However, in reality, such a tax increase will simply be passed on to the consumers in the form of higher prices.  It should be noted that Trump already lowered the corporate rate of 35% (then the highest in the world) to 21%.
  1. On illegal immigration, Trump has instituted several policies to curb it, notwithstanding the issue of the 11 million illegal aliens currently residing in the U.S.  Over 400 miles of border wall was built.  The “Remain in Mexico” policy slowed down the rate of border crossings by detaining alleged asylum seekers (approximately 70,000 during Trump’s full term), pending the time of their hearings in the U.S.  Trump ended Obama’s policy of “Catch and Release” and replaced it with “Catch and Detain,” pending the removal of illegal aliens, and ultimately deporting them back to their home countries.  In contrast, Biden discontinued border wall construction, ended the Remain in Mexico policy, and reinstated the Catch and Release policy, in which 75% or 191,141illegal aliens were released into the American population in 2023.  The 11 million illegal aliens originated from more than 150 different countries, from which murderers, rapists, and Islamic terrorists stem.  Ironically, Harris stated, “We have a secure border.”
  2. On the drug trade along the southern border, Trump threatened Mexico’s president, Andres Obrador, with designating the drug cartels as “foreign terrorist organizations,” which would enable the U.S. to deploy drones or even special forces to Mexico.  Such a specter prompted Obrador to station thousands of Mexican soldiers and national guardsmen at the southern border in order to keep the cartels at bay, as well as curtail much of the illegal migration.  As soon as Biden assumed the presidency, Obrador recalled those soldiers and guardsmen from the Mexican border, and the pre-Trump chaos resumed.
  3. Harris supports defunding ICE (Immigration Customs Enforcement) and the abolition of ICE detainers (the means by which state or local law enforcement detains illegal aliens before being transferred to federal custody.
  1. Harris supports providing Social Security and Medicare benefits to illegal immigrants.  Trump wants those benefits to be limited to American citizens, who have paid taxes.
  2. Trump supported legislation to open ANWR (Arctic National Wildlife Refuge) and approve Keystone XL and Dakota Access Pipelines in order to keep energy prices low while creating more jobs.  The United States became a net natural gas exporter for the first time since 1957, hence making the country energy-dominant.  In contrast, Biden-Harris opposed Keystone, approved the Nord Stream Pipeline (which emboldened Russian president Vladimir Putin), and supported legislation to restrict oil drilling, hence accounting for high inflation and dependence on foreign oil once again.
  3. In spite of Trump keeping America out of war, he has managed to annihilate some notorious terrorists, such as Quds Force commander Qasem Soleimani (the second most powerful person in Iran, who concocted plans to attack American diplomats in Iraq) and ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi.  With the latter’s demise, the caliphate was quashed.  Harris opposed Soleimani’s assassination.
  4. Biden-Harris initiated the disastrous withdrawal of U.S. troops from Afghanistan, which led to the deaths of 13 American servicemen and over 100 Afghani civilians from an ISIS suicide bombing.  It also led to the Taliban takeover of $7 billion in U.S. military assets provided to the Afghan National Army.  Perhaps, such a tragedy could have been averted had Biden fulfilled the request of then Joint Chiefs Chairman General Mark Milley of keeping a residual force of 2,500 troops, instead of a meager 650 that Biden deployed.
Taliban seizes American weaponry after withdrawal from Afghanistan.
Taliban seizes American weaponry after withdrawal from Afghanistan. AP/ Rahmat Gul
  1. Under President George W. Bush, Putin invaded and seized Georgia.  Under President Barack Obama, Putin invaded Ukraine and seized Crimea.  Under President Joe Biden, Putin invaded Ukraine again, which has been an ongoing war.  Under President Trump, Putin has refrained from invading any country.
  2. Under Biden, the terrorist organization, Hamas, attacked Israel, giving rise to the current Palestinian-Israeli war.  Under Trump, Hamas refrained from such an attack.
  3. Trump signed legislation imposing tariffs on China in response to China’s forced technology transfer, intellectual property theft, and chronically abusive trade practices.  As a result, $16 billion was collected by the government (after a single year of implementation), while the tariff burden fell on Chinese exporters.  Due to its efficacy, the Biden administration has continued the tariffs.
  4. Trump negotiated NATO allies into spending $69 billion more on defense since 2016, rather than allowing the U.S. to continue carrying most of the financial burden.
  5. On hostage releases, Trump imposed sanctions on two specific government officials in order to persuade Turkish President Recep Erdogan to release an American pastor (Andrew Brunson) from custody.  The sanctions froze the officials’ assets in the U.S., banned them from traveling to the U.S., and barred them from any financial transactions with Americans.  No money or hostages were exchanged in the pastor’s successful release.  In contrast, Biden negotiated a deal (entailing 7 countries), wherein Russia would release Americans from custody in exchange for Russians (imprisoned for terrorism, spying, cyber hacking, and conspiring to obtain military-grade technologies from U.S. companies for Russia’s interests).  Such exchanges could only encourage kidnappings and more incarcerations of Americans.
  6. Under Obama, the Iran nuclear deal took effect with then VP Biden’s support.  It enabled the U.S., the European Union, and the United Nations to lift banking, nuclear, and oil export sanctions on Iran in exchange for its compliance  with UN inspectors to refrain from building nuclear weaponry for 10 to 15 years.  When Trump assumed the presidency, he withdrew the U.S. from the deal, reverting back to the energy sanctions which kept Iran in recession, currency depreciation, and inflation.  He was also concerned that the deal would stimulate Iran’s economy (not for the average household, but for the government), whereby it could raise funds for terrorist proxies like Hamas and Hezbollah.  Harris has stated that if she becomes president, she would bring the U.S. back into the deal.
  7. Trump has established a new branch of the military called the Space Force, which is engineered to enhance America’s defense, especially with regard to China and Russia’s aggression and imperialist tendencies.  In contrast, Biden has enabled “woke” policies within the military, thereby weakening it.
  8. On the woke military front, Trump scaled back the transgender-accommodating policies of Obama.  Upon Defense Sec. James Mattis’s report indicating that transgender individuals (suffering from gender dysphoria) are 9 times more susceptible to suicide and severe anxiety than the general population, the Trump administration imposed restrictions on them.  However, not only did Biden (on his inauguration day) abolish those restrictions via executive order, he also enabled active military members to take time off for sex-change surgeries at taxpayer expense.
  9. Harris supports taxpayer funding of transgender surgeries for federal prisoners and detained illegal aliens.
  1. Under Trump, Operation Warp Speed was launched, by which the government collaborated with pharmaceutical companies to accelerate the development, manufacturing, and distribution of COVID-19 vaccines within 11 months---an unprecedented feat that would normally take over 4 years.  During the first 5 months of their availability, the vaccines prevented more than 139,000 deaths, which was estimated to save between $625 billion to $1.4 trillion.  Such an expedited process has not only been a boon to Americans, but for the entire world.
  2. Trump signed Right-To-Try legislation, which permits terminally ill patients to consume newly developed drugs, hence bypassing the lengthy process of FDA approval, saving and prolonging the life of thousands.
  3. On veteran medical care, Trump signed the MISSION Act, which expanded veteran access to include non-VA facilities, effectively streamlining the time and distance in which to receive care.  Trump also launched the “Anywhere to Anywhere” initiative, which allows VA doctors, nurses, and other healthcare providers to administer care via telehealth and similar technology across state lines, including, but not limited to the veteran’s home.  In contrast to enhancing veteran medical care, Harris co-sponsored a bill that would eliminate the military healthcare system called TRICARE.
  4. Trump signed the First Step Act, which reforms the criminal/prison system shortening the sentences of qualified, non-violent drug offenders.   In contrast, Biden supported the crime law which resulted in such a defective system to begin with, while Harris oversaw more than 1,900 convictions for “marijuana possession, cultivation, or sale” as California attorney general.
  5. Trump staunchly supported the police in maintaining law and order, even supporting funding to provide them better body armor.  During the May 2020 riots, Harris encouraged defunding the police and allowing thugs to loot, damage, and burn over 1,000 businesses and a police station in Minneapolis to support their “right to protest.”  She even supported a fund to bail out the ones in police custody.  Also noteworthy, is that then Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz (Harris’s VP pick) delayed sending the national guard to quell the riots in Minneapolis, in spite of Mayor Jacob Frey’s desperate request.  When he finally complied, Walz deployed only 100 guardsmen, as opposed to the 600 requested by Frey, hence endangering them for 4 days.
Rioters caused havoc in Minneapolis.
USA Today Network/ Zach Boyden-Holmes

  1. Trump supports school choice, which allows children (especially those from an impoverished situation) to attend public or private schools.  Harris only supports public schooling in order to empower the teachers’ unions rather than parents and their children.
  2. Trump has nominated three justices to the Supreme Court, who will interpret laws in conformity to the U.S. Constitution and not legislate from the bench.  In contrast, Biden willfully nominated a black female to the Court, who could not even define what a “woman” is when asked in a Senate confirmation hearing.
  3. In spite of the high risk of presidential candidate Robert Kennedy Jr. being a target of assassination and his numerous requests for secret service protection (an amenity granted to any major presidential contender), Biden refused it.  Only upon Trump’s insistence and own assassination attempt, did Biden capitulate.  By the way, Kennedy (a life-long Democrat) denounced the Democrat Party for opposing free speech, and has recently formed an alliance with and endorsed Trump as a “unity party.
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. endorses President Donald Trump.
  1. Trump is a popular, dedicated public servant.  In spite of two impeachments, a conviction, two assassination attempts, a rigged first debate with Harris (by which the moderators collaborated with Harris against Trump), and not receiving a federal salary, Trump remains in the presidential race.  In contrast, Biden dropped out of the race after the one and only debate with Trump.  Unlike Trump, who defeated 16 candidates in the 2016 Republican presidential primary in more than 35 contests, winning over 1,500 delegates, Harris did not win over a single delegate this year because she never entered a single primary in any state, as I stated from the beginning.  Neither did she acquire a single delegate in her one and only presidential primary run against Biden in 2020, hence displaying her unpopularity among the American people.

In conclusion, my American friends, simply ask yourselves under whose policies have food and gas prices remained relatively low.  Trump or Biden?  Under whose policies have the southern border and illegal immigration been most effective?  Trump or Biden?  Under whose policies do you think public servants (e.g., police, judges, military servicemen) should be hired based on competence over race or sex?  Trump or Biden?  To any sane, rational, or logical-minded voter---whether Democrat, Republican, or Independent---the choice for president should not be very challenging.  Therefore, my American friends, choose wisely for the welfare of family and country.

Long live the Republic!

Long live the USA!

Secret Service agents protect President Donald Trump after being shot in the ear in a failed assassination attempt.
AP/ Evan Vucci

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Marcial Bonifacio is the one and only writer whose ideas are freely expressed without fear or favor of any particular party, unbound by popularity, and independent of groupthink.

8 comments on “For Rational Voters Who Want to Give America a Huge Jump, Here Are 32 Reasons to Support Donald Trump”

  1. Mary, I think Trump would be better for the U.S.-Philippine alliance than Harris. I believe China's president, Xi Jinping, would respect or even be more fearful of him.

  2. What impact do you think the shift from Biden to Harris will have on the Philippines, especially in terms of trade, foreign policy, and the economy? How might changes in U.S. immigration and tax policies affect Filipinos in the U.S. and the Philippines?

    1. With regard to trade and the economy, I don't think much would change with a Harris presidency, Mary. However, I do fear that Harris could be weak on foreign policy with regard to China. I predict she may not be as assertive as Trump and may even renege on the commitment the US has with the Philippines.

      With regard to immigration, a Harris presidency would make illegal immigration more common and regular due to her weak border security policies just as under Biden. That would increase the cost of living for everyone (including Filipinos) due to increased demand for goods from illegal immigrants.

      Of course, taxes on the middle class (including Filipinos) would increase under Harris, since that would be the most practicable way to pay for all her social welfare programs.

      1. Marcial, you brought up Trump's assertiveness on China. Do you think his more confrontational approach was the best strategy for strengthening U.S.-Philippines relations, or could a Harris administration's potentially more diplomatic approach offer some advantages in balancing U.S. interests while still standing firm against China?

  3. Great article! I found the comparisons between Trump and Harris really insightful, especially on issues like immigration and the economy. It's important for us to think about how each leader has impacted our country as we head into the 2024 election. Thanks for sharing this perspective!

    1. I appreciate you taking the time to read my article. Now I hope you will vote according to those facts.

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